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(212) 434-4050 (212) 371-3223 (FACE)
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Both Tourette syndrome and hemifacial spasms are movement disorders. They both cause involuntary movements in your face. However, there are many differences between the two disorders.

Hemifacial spasm:

  • Neuromuscular disorder causes the involuntary muscle movement in one side of the face.
  • It can occur in both men and women, however it is most common in elderly women.
  • The disorder can progress through stages. Typically it begins with an eye twitching but can progress to all of the muscles in the one side of your face to spasm almost continually.
  • The causes may include a facial nerve injury, tumor, or no apparent cause. It is often caused by a blood vessel pressing on the facial nerve at the location where it exits the brainstem.

Tourette Syndrome:

  • Evidence leads us to believe that Tourette syndrome is passed down through families, although the gene has not yet been discovered.
  • The syndrome may be connected to difficulties in certain areas of your brain, and the chemical substances that help your nerve cells communicate.
  • It is four times more likely to occur in boys than in girls, and it usually noticed around the ages of 7 to 10.
  • Tourette syndrome presents itself with minor movements such as grunts, sniffling or coughing to continual and uncontrollable movements and vocalizations.

If you’re curious about what is causing your facial twitching, spasms, or involuntary movements, call New York Facial Paralysis so we can help diagnose and treat your facial issues.

Posted on behalf of New York Facial Paralysis

Grand Park Building, 110 East 40 Street, Suite 501
New York, NY 10016

Phone: (212) 434-4050

FAX: (212) 434-4059


Monday - Friday: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM



New York Facial Paralysis

At Manhattan Eye, Ear, and Throat Hospital

Grand Park Building, 110 East 40 Street, Suite 501
New York, NY 10016

(212) 434-4050 (212) 371-3223 (FACE)

Opening Times: Monday - Friday: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM

If you are interested in discussing your case with the NYFP specialists: