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(212) 434-4050 (212) 371-3223 (FACE)
A doctor talking on the phone and taking notes.

There are times when we, at New York Facial Paralysis, need to utilize audiograms during our diagnostic testing. An audiogram is a test used to determine hearing loss and balance. To read more about hearing loss, you can find it here. An audiogram is also used as one of the tools to help determine the reason for your facial paralysis. Audiometry is a set of measures used to identify a person’s hearing.

During an audiometry you can expect two types of tests:

  • Pure-tone audiometry is performed in a soundproof testing room. You raise your hand or press a button when you hear a sound. Sounds will be tested at different frequencies. Your air conduction and bone conduction will also be assessed.
  • Speech audiometry is performed in a soundproof testing room as well. This test tests speech understanding with the use of lists of words presented at varying intensities. During this test you will wear earphones.

This hearing test will determine your range of hearing. It will test the intensity and the tone of sounds and balance issues. The measure of sound intensity is measured in Decibels. The measure used for tone in in units called Hertz.

At New York Facial Paralysis, we utilize many different diagnostic testing tools to determine the cause of your facial paralysis. We are proud to offer a multidisciplinary collaborative team effort in order to care for all of your needs. Our comprehensive approach is the most effective. Call and book your appointment with us today.

Posted on behalf of New York Facial Paralysis

Grand Park Building, 110 East 40 Street, Suite 501
New York, NY 10016

Phone: (212) 434-4050

FAX: (212) 434-4059


Monday - Friday: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM



New York Facial Paralysis

At Manhattan Eye, Ear, and Throat Hospital

Grand Park Building, 110 East 40 Street, Suite 501
New York, NY 10016

(212) 434-4050 (212) 371-3223 (FACE)

Opening Times: Monday - Friday: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM

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