We’re the leading medical practice in the facial paralysis field.
We are a leading team of doctors providing cutting edge treatment for all causes of facial paralysis.
Our goal is to help our patients find answers to questions and work with them on the proper diagnosis, treatment, and recovery plan.
We treat patients from all over the world and across the United States. Our dedicated staff offers full concierge services to help with all logistics and is here to guide you through every step of the way.
Learn more about us
The facial nerve innervates the muscles used for facial expression. Damage to this nerve leads to paralysis of the facial muscles. This in turn leads to muscular atrophy and weakness. As there are separate facial nerves for each side of the face, paralysis in either one or both sides of the face may occur. The resultant inability to smile or express facial emotion is a devastating problem. Patients also have functional difficulty with speech and eating. It is quite common and can affect both children and adults. Facial paralysis is an under recognized and under appreciated problem.
When first seen by a physician, the facial paralysis may exhibit one of two patterns. It may be described as flaccid (completely droopy) or synkinetic (excess tightening).
After an acute episode of flaccid paralysis, the patient may recover fully (70%), may have partial flaccidity (15%), or may recover and then become synkinetic with excess involuntary movement (15%).
Our institute has earned a reputation as the go-to clinic for difficult cases, especially those that have been misdiagnosed in the past and patients who have not been able to find an effective treatment for their condition.
At The Facial Nerve Center, we treat a variety of conditions. The following terms have been used by lay people to describe diminished movement in one side of the face:
We are passionate about helping people and invite anyone who has questions or concerns to reach out to us.
Learn more about Facial ParalysisPATIENT TESTIMONIALS

Teresa O, MD

Sami Saba, MD

Brett Broussard
Leah Segelov, PT
Debra Shatzkes, MD
Jared Steinklein, MD

Korrey DeMond, OT

Mara Robinson, PT, MS