You may have heard recently heard news reports mentioning the condition Ramsay Hunt Syndrome. The Canadian singer, Justin Bieber, revealed on his Instagram account that the condition was responsible for his highly publicized facial paralysis.
Ramsay Hunt Syndrome is linked to the Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV), which is also responsible for chickenpox and shingles. This virus can lie dormant, only to reemerge due to reactivation triggers. Stress, a weak immune system, and fever are some of the potential reasons that VSZ will reactivate.
Inflamed Facial Nerve
When the facial nerve fibers called a geniculate ganglion are affected by VSV, facial paralysis can occur. In addition, blisters in or around the mouth and ear may develop. Other potential symptoms include ear pain, loss of hearing and taste, dizziness, and vertigo.
If you present with any of these symptoms, seek immediate medical attention. Early intervention with antiviral drugs, steroids and pain management is usually effective treatment. At New York Facial Paralysis, we recommend contacting our team promptly if you believe you are suffering from Ramsey Hunt Syndrome to avoid complications.
Complications from Ramsey Hunt Syndrome can occur if treatment is not provided within 72 hours. You may experience permanent hearing loss, eye damage, or facial weakness. Post herpetic neuralgia, which causes painful rash and blisters, is also a common complication.
Approximately 70% of Ramsey Hunt Syndrome sufferers recover. However, most of these patients received a combination of treatments to fight off the virus that causes symptoms. Justin Bieber, a high-profile celebrity, has spoken in favor of transparency and has raised awareness of the condition, which may improve treatment rates.
Facial Paralysis Consultation
Many of the conditions that cause facial paralysis share the same symptoms. Without an examination, there is no way of knowing whether your condition is serious or could lead to complications.
At New York Facial Paralysis, we deliver effective treatment plans. First, a consultation will allow our specialist to identify the cause of your symptoms. We will then offer solutions designed to reduce or eliminate the impact of facial paralysis.
Call New York Facial Paralysis today to learn more about Ramsey Hunt Syndrome or book an appointment.
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