Facial paralysis can be defined as a loss of movement in the face due to severe nerve damage. This can lead to dropping or sagging on one side of the face, and is can be caused by several different conditions:
- Bell’s Palsy – this is the most common cause of facial paralysis. Bell’s palsy is simply the name used to describe facial dropping and nerve damage that has no other known causes, like an accident, trauma, or other medical condition. Research suggests that the herpes simplex virus may be the cause of Bell’s palsy.
- Stroke – In some cases, facial paralysis can be caused by a stroke. When this happens, the facial nerve inside the brain is damaged due to bleeding and lack of oxygen.
At the New York Facial Paralysis Center, we offer both surgical and medical treatments for conditions like the ones above, and several others, that result in facial paralysis and nerve damage to the face. It’s our top priority to use our expertise to meet your specific needs, based on your condition.
We’re happy to any questions you may have about diagnosis and treatment of your condition. To learn more, give us a call and schedule your initial consultation today.
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Phone: (212) 434-4050
FAX: (212) 434-4059
Monday - Friday: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM