Facial droop is not a symptom that you should ignore. You may be suffering from a form of facial paralysis and it is important to determine the root cause. When the muscles or nerves in the face have suffered injury or illness, the telltale signs show in the various facial expressions we are able to make or not make.
If your smile or other facial expressions have altered so that one or more areas of the face are drooping, there are numerous possible causes. Some underlying injuries or issues are minor, whereas others can have life-changing consequences.
Causes of Drooping Facial Features
When the facial nerves become inflamed or infected, it can result in drooping features associated with the affected nerves. More serious causes include stroke or the result of a traumatic head injury. People who have developed tumors in the head or neck, or autoimmune diseases, can also suffer from drooping facial features as an emerging symptom.
Fortunately, the most common cause of facial paralysis is a condition known as Bell’s palsy. This condition is itself the result of an inflamed facial nerve that occurs due to viral reactivation (herpes simplex virus). The visual indications of Bell’s palsy present rapidly after initial infection, and the road to recovery can take several months. In most cases, patients who suffer this type of facial paralysis are not expected to experience permanent issues.
Ramsay Hunt Syndrome is another condition that is expressed through symptoms including facial droop, a rash localized around the ear, tinnitus, vertigo and impaired hearing. A facial paralysis specialist in New York can access these symptoms to identify and confirm the root cause before offering effective treatment solutions.
Facial Paralysis Consultation
Your first step toward recovery should involve seeking diagnosis. Due to the serious nature of some health conditions that present with symptoms such as facial paralysis and drooping, do not delay in contacting a specialist.
At New York Facial Paralysis, we take you through a comprehensive examination which includes medical history, symptom diagnosis and appropriate imaging scans to determine the nature of the underlying cause. Call today to book your first appointment.
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